5 Creative Ways to Get Children to Clean Up in a Child Care Setting
Getting children to clean up in a preschool or child care setting can be tough. Check out these 5 creative ways to get young children to clean up.
Mystery Clean-Up: Before beginning clean-up time, look around the room and pick out an item that needs to be put away. Announce to the children that you have chosen a mystery item and that whoever puts it away will win a prize. When the room is cleaned up, announce the winner.
Tong Challenge: Give each child a pair of tongs and challenge them to pick up toys, using the tongs, and put them away.
Color Call-Out: Call out a color and let the children find a toy that has that color in it to put away. Continue until all toys are put away.
Clean-Up Train: Start a train and walk around the room to the first area that is cleaned up, picking up the kids in that area. Keep the train going around the room until every area is cleaned up and all kids are part of the train.
Roll-A-Die Clean-Up: Roll a die and have each child put away the number of toys on the die (i.e. Roll a 2, and each child puts 2 toys away). Continue until all toys are put away.
Clean Up Books and Songs:
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